【同义词辨析】 2017-05-11 回应answer-retort

answer: implies the satisfying of a question, demand, call, or need: ~ all the questions on the form.

respond: may suggest a willing or spontaneous and often quick reaction: chose not to ~ to that comment.

reply: implies making a return commensurate with the original question or demand: a request that you must ~ at once. (commensurate与...相关依赖于根据(depend on): the salary will be commensurate with experience薪水和经验相关,或薪水根据经验)

rejoin: often implies sharpness and pointedness in answering: she ~ quickly to his criticism.

retort: suggests responding to an explicit charge or criticism by way of retaliation: he ~ to her every charge with biting sarcasm. (sarcasm讥讽挖苦: 目的不是取笑而是使人疼痛如例句)

answer回答满足: 表示满足提问要求呼吁需求, respond回应: 表示反应得快速自愿自发(willing自己愿意,spontaneous自发,没人催促),reply回复: 泛指根据提问要求做回应,rejoin尖锐回答: 常表示尖锐回答(sharp,pointed),retort还击: 针对指责批评报复性回击(by way of retaliation)

记忆方法: 1)首字母ARRRR想成四人一心<==回应问题挑战

        2)回应的意思是说写做某事作为回复mean to say, write, or do something in return. (in return其实就是回应)